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Maya World and Cosmo-Vision:
A Living Universe Consciousness
. Article by J-Men Bartolome Poot and Belisa B. Gordon
In an effort to help readers familiarize themselves with the Maya Cosmo-vision and the subtle Maya holistic understanding of reality, the J-Men (Mayan Senior Wiseman and holly shamans) have granted us an interview to explain, in a reflective serene manner, the importance of learning to view the universe as a dynamic fabric of ever-changing living energies, unfolding, expanding, and contracting, in a dance of conscious creativeness, where energies flow from invisible to visible live forms, evolving and regenerating every moment. The Maya Cosmo-vision awakens our awareness that our universe is a living conscious entity, a holistic unified continuum of creative spiritual powers manifesting as a vast ocean of amazing life expressions and unfolding realities.
“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that
a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe – a spirit vastly superior to that of men.”
- Albert Einstein.Maya Universe and Maya Cosmo-vision:
Holistic Understanding of Our Living UniverseWe humans have master many arts that have let us to our current civilization, but humankind has yet to learn and master the most critical of them all: the art of living on planet Earth as an integral body of the Universe's manifestation of life; we are yet to reconcile with our human true nature and learn living in harmony with all that exists within the vast ocean of visible matter and non-visible life forces. We need to understand and acknowledge that our human race shares a vital common foundation of existence with the creative powers and manifested energy forms of the Living Universe and planet Earth, our precious home.
To the Maya and their Cosmo-vision traditions, planet Earth is an amazing expression of unfolding life in a continuum creation of non-visible and visible energy forces. Nowadays, scientists tells us such is the case; so unless each human group recognizes that our every action and thought is woven into the infinite holistic living consciousness of the universe, and that our human race collective inertia is threatening the whole existence and evolution of our planet’s living manifestations, we will continue to create dramatic un-yielding whole-systems crisis for humankind and planet Earth with catastrophic destructive potentials.
If humans continue to regard life with a deep lack of reverence and the universe cosmic connection with indifference, our human existence will head toward a catastrophic finale: a pointless destruction of life as we know it on planet Earth. Our lack of insight and actions have contributed to the extinction of many animal and plant species for decades; such lack of holistic cosmic consciousness has foster the global current lifestyle and culture of viewing planet Earth’s eco-systems as non-connected matter, in the Maya world such idea is a misguiding illusion. Our current global culture’s rampant materialism has radically moved us to a paradigm of separation and exploitation of our planet endangering the healthy balance or our vital resources; thus, building planetary crises and devastation of Earth’s fragile global environment.
At this time many humans are facing critical levels of struggle for survival, so are many living creatures, global regions, and other Earth’s living vital manifestations such as healthy water supply. Thus, the need to learn and master the art of sustainable living systems on our planet Earth is of great importance to help us change our man-made conflicting material-socio systems for more profound sustainable soulful eco-living practices like those found in a small group of committed individuals that have dedicated their own business based on the truth teaching of the Mayan Cosmo-vision.
Maya Shaman J'Men Jose Tamay closed the Maya Male Energy Cycle on November 11, 2011 (11.11.11) by celebrating a sacred Maya Saka ceremony to prepare our collective spiritual awakening to the New Light Cycle that will start December 22, 2011 and open the rebirth of the Mayan Female Energy Cycle that will lead us in 2012.
Recommended Reading: Mayan Holistic Healthy Habits for a Better Life
The Mayan Cosmo-vision:
The Maya J-Men and elder Wiseman are working today to foster our understanding of Earth as a cosmic sustainable living-system: a hologram of bio-physics and non-visual forces in communion with the living Universe. To the Maya J-Men this holistic spiritual awakening among humans is vital to help us reconcile humankind actions with Earth’s profound holographic consciousness and rebalance our holistic planetary cosmology. Through the teachings of the Maya Cosmo-vision, Maya J-Men hope to help us create a new global consciousness that fosters to transform our current planetary crisis paradigm and bring humankind to a true global understanding of the Universe extraordinary cosmology, biology holistic eco-social sustainable living systemsand physical vital aliveness and spirit.
“Given the dynamism of both matter and space, the universe is an undivided wholeness in flowing movement. The cosmos taken altogether is the basic unit of continuous creation.” - David Bohm, Quantum theory scientist.
Adopting new eco-social sustainable models, cosmic living awareness, and profound levels of spiritual awakening are vital changes needed to reverse the human destructive habits that are endangering and permeating our planet Earth’s vital global harmony. Radical transformation of human behaviors and inertia is needed to activate new understandings and real living concepts about the World and Cosmos, planet Earth, and the pro-active connections of our human society’s rampant materialism has with Earth’s global environmental degradation and critical destructive exploitation. Duane Elgin describes this insight paradigm beautifully in his book
- The Living Universe: Where are we? Who are we? Where are we going?
Maya World, Universe and Cosmo-vision:
The Maya Wiseman recognize a Cosmo-hologram of living consciousness permeated with a vast creative intelligence transforming energy in many manifestations of matter and non-matter clusters of life, many universes and worlds unknown and known all in union. Maya J-Men have long known the answers to our western existential quests as humans:
Where are we? The Maya Cosmo-vision tells us we are an integral part of a living planet Earth which in turn is an integral part of the Solar Planetary System, which in turn is an integral part of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is one of the many galaxies in a known living Universe filled with holographic living consciousness interconnected with the whole cosmic experience.
Who are we? The Mayan traditions teach that humans are a holistic expression of the Universe's cosmic creative intelligence, we are expressions of such unfolding living consciousness manifested in a soul/body hologram emerging within planet Earth’s evolutionary trajectory. We are recognizable bio-physic matter of non-visible energy fields or spiritual energy interweaved with the global sustainable eco-systems of planet Earth. We are conscious energy-field units of creative bio-physic intelligence manifested in numerous living hologram-fields of life in holistic communion with the living Cosmos.
Where are we going? We are moving into a time/space period of intense planetary conscious energy compression filled with unyielding forces of profound transformation that challenge our intelligent living energy and bio-physic systems to fully exercise a harmonious conscious encounter with our own identity and holographic-cosmic resonance.
“the challenges we confront in the XXI Century are so great that humankind needs to move beyond personal awakening to a collective awakening as a species, understanding that the universe is a unique kind of living entity that is sustained by the flow-through of phenomenal amounts of life energy.” - Duane Elgin, Writer
The Maya Cosmo-vision encompasses a living Universe filled with soulful subtle alive systems with invisible qualities provided with a reflective conscious capacity to manifest soulful material forms of living energy field existence in the cosmos. Soulful bio-degradable bodies of living consciousness emerging from the Supreme God’s creative forces (matrix mind and creator of all that exists) forming soul/matter as human beings capable of transforming, enjoying, sustaining
or destroying our planet’s global rhythm and complex systems.
Mother Earth is currently facing intensive global system pressures, many caused by our own human erroneous cosmic view of the universe as a non-connected space/time field with unrelated bodies of matter, randomly existing in a pool of non-holistic relations. This dreadful and inaccurate view of the universe, as non-living space/time cosmos, has led mankind to abuse our planet’s resources, eco-systems, and vital elements in such intense materialistic pursuit that Earth may transform its current natural living conditions and may not sustain human life in the near future. Unless humankind drastically changes its destructive lifestyle patterns for a conscious intelligent sustainable lifestyle, our species will face extinction on planet Earth at a faster rate that the planet’s evolutionary process may have intended. (left: Pakal's Cosmic Journey by Merle G.)
“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a conscious and intelligent non-visible living energy force. This energy force is the matrix mind of all matter.” - Max Planck, Nobel price winner and developer of Quantum theory
Reconciling with our Divine Living Universe:
Mayan Wiseman or J-Men prompt us to reconcile our views and conscious understanding of the Universe to acknowledge its divine cosmic holistic life force. To the Maya people and scientists of today, the Cosmos is a living creative consciousness; the Maya Cosmos has its matrix creative mind or Supreme God with cosmic laws and subtle energies; thus are the teachings of the Mayan Cosmo-vision traditions. We were created in loving conscious soul/body matter that collectively express the creative divine powers of the living universe; humans may use such complex intelligent creative force to destroy, create, restore, protect, or transform our home planet Earth in ways other living creatures are not capable; thus, the need for humankind to generate a more loving understanding of the Living Universe has never been so essential to our wellbeing and existence.
Maya Cosmo-vision traditions help us appreciate that we share a common holistic foundation of existence with all living matter and non-visual powers of our planet. Spiritual reverence in our daily appreciation of our planet’s natural life source, and reconciliation with our planets unique living global system is a central teaching in the Mayan holistic traditions and sacred holistic ceremonies celebrated during the integral Mayan sacred calendars; such teachings and practices help humans live a sustainable soul/psyche co-existence with Earth’s collective life unity.
“The Maya Cosmo-vision teaches us the need to balance human actions with the rhythms of Mother Earth as a vital practice to maintain the integral harmony of our planet’s biosphere and the cosmos nourishing life forces.”
- J’Men Bartolome Poot, Mayan Senior WisemanThe Mayan Senior Wiseman and Holly J'Men prompt us to Reconcile our human community believes and practices to achieve a sustainable holistic planetary existence. The Maya Foundation In Laakeech was founded with such profound understanding and reverence to the Living Universe, human life, our planet's flora and fauna, and the relationship that unites us all as "living expressions of the supreme consciousness." Thus, the Maya Wiseman know the needs to awaken our:
Spirituality - Mayan Wiseman urge humankind to return to the natural essence of spirituality, recognizing that the power of pure love, the wisdom of tolerance and compassion, united with genuine reverence for life and a Universal Supreme God are the fundamental keys to peaceful coexistence. Pure Spiritual awakening must replace the religious dogma intolerance and faith conflicts that have historically brought destruction to our
human global unity. (left photo: Maya Cosmovision symbol)Holistic Living Practices – The Maya J’Men prompt us to return to a natural sustainable lifestyle of simple healthy community geo-living. Maya holistic traditions acknowledge the importance of humans genuine reverence to our Living Universe, and the need to honor Mother Earth’s fragile yet complex eco-sustainable life and spiritual qualities. Humans possess the holistic creative energy charges of love, awareness, knowledge, and unity, all integral parts of our individual soul/matter human body fields. As co-creators of our planetary reality, humans need to awaken to a sustainable cohesive lifestyle and stop building our own destructive powers. Respect for global life forms, natural eco-balance, and our global environment is essential to a holistic sustainable living, ensuring our spiritual/matter balance with Earth’s natural bio-rhythms.
Sustainable Planetary Awareness – Living in sustainable harmony with our planet’s biosphere is essential to humankind’s future existence on Earth. Our future as an Earth species depends highly on our commitment to establish a reconciliatory holistic relationship with our planet as a whole; a truly conscious spiritual/matter awareness of our specie is required if we are to continue existing in our planet and start participating in the integrity of our planet Earth’s eco-sustainable systems and global evolutionary changes as our home planet travels through the Cosmos in an intimate relationship with the living energies that flow visible and invisible throughout the Universe.
Global Economic and Political Policies - Establishing minimum personal standards of a global human community (with general economic well-being, basic nutrition, education, and health-care for all) is essential for a peaceful reconciliation of our human race as a planetary community of soul/body living Earth creatures. Such global human economic and political policies will ensure the healthy grow of human enterprise and secure abundance to those co-creating a new planetary sustainable order. Current economic and political policy trends of over-consuming, depleting resources, over exploiting human lifestyle has destabilize our planet Earth’s global natural systems causing intense pressure in our spiritual/matter evolutionary trajectory that if continue on its rampant materialism and global environmental degradation will extinct humankind and other living organisms within our planet complex living system.
“We are all inseparable expressions of a living universe: galaxies, planetary systems, soul/body beings, particles, and/or bio-chemical elements…. We are all manifestations of the Supreme Consciousness’ creative energy flow.”
- J'Men Idelfonso Ake, Mayan Elder Wiseman and Holistic Healer.
Maya civilization
Article courtesy of Hacienda Chichen Resort* Maya Gods & Universe * Mayan Sacred Tree of Life * Maya Creation of Humankind
* Ix' Tabay or X'Tabay * Alux, Aluxes or Aluxo' ob * Catholic & Maya Faith Today
* Mayan Calendar System * Mayan Spirits & Legends * Artistic Rendering of Gods
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protecting Yucatan's fauna (indigenous animals)We hope you enjoy reading and viewing our new article about Yucatan's endemic fauna and Yucatan's adopted tropical exotic plants. This September we celebrate the Fall Equinox - Mother Nature and Life, with the help of Naturalist Jim Conrad who offers Hacienda Chichen guests free Guided Nature Tours early monrning and at dusk.
Please take a minute to visit Geotourism Challenge for Sustaining the Future of Destinations, where you will find the Maya Foundation In Laakeech A.C. nominated entry in conjunction with the Hacienda Chichen sustainable tourism vision, this unique project competition is sponsored by National Geographic and Ashoka's Changemakers.
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Yucatan Adventure Eco-Travel Volunteer Team thanks Hacienda Chichen Resort, Yaxkin Spa, and Chichen Services for the committed vision and mission of sustainable social, eco-cultural efforts they practice and promote within the travel industry for Yucatan, Mexico. We highly encourage readers to visit their sites when choosing to visit the land of the Maya.
Mayan Cosmo-Vision Article
Created: September 2009 Updated: December 2009
Last Updates: January 2010, January 2011, Nov. 2012, January 2014, July 2016Yucatan Adventure offers Mayan Vacation Packages at low prices to visit Yucatan, Mexico, enjoy Chichen Itza magic and mystical Mayan experiences by selecting one of our many Yucatan Eco-Vacations and Mexico's top Green Spa-Wellness Retreats in Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. Visit our "Mayan Eco-Spa Special Offers and Chichen Itza Eco-Spa Resort Vacation Packages and Family Eco-Cultural Activities gear to enjoy Yucatan, Mexico while supporting Eco-Tourism and Sustainable Tourism; stay in Mexico's best Green Boutique Hacienda Hotel in Chichen Itza, indulge in unique Mayan holistic Spa beauty care, tour the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza or swim at Yodzonot Cenote, capture the magic of birds flying at sunrise singing all day at the Hacienda Chichen Bird Refuge, Yucatan's best private Maya Jungle Reserve and Eco-Resort, all of these an more will help you enjoy your stay!
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