Flash photo-set courtesy of
Spa, Chichen
Itza, Yucatan, Mexico
Understanding the Maya Art of Holistic Healing

The Essential Elements of Maya
Holistic Healing
Our Interview with Yaxkin Spa Holistic Center's
new visionaries, its Maya Healers, Spa Consultant and Wellness Coach in Chichen Itza, Yucatan,
We had the pleasure of interviewing Yaxkin Spa's new generation of wellness
personal care visionaries, its Spa Consultant, Holistic Wellness Coach, and Maya
Healers. The experience left us in awe! This unique
intergenerational Spa team is composed of four proactive
professional females filled with enchantment, wisdom, and respect
for Mother Nature. They are focus on bringing their Maya Spa
guests the best holistic wellness care imagined..
We started the interview with its youngest member, Isabel Gutierrez
(right top photo), a Marine Biologist and Anthropologist dedicated
to the Maya. Her youthful glow comes from her years of careful
health and wellness personal care and her dedication to understand
her body, mind, and spiritual needs at a deep level. "To be healthy
is a goal we all should aim to," she explains with a healthy gentle
smile that tells a lot about her approach to live, no wonder she is
the new holistic wellness coach at Yaxkin Spa.
Maya Cosmo-Vision of Humankind and the Universe
In this article the Mayan Senior Healer, Senior Maya J-Men Idelfonso,
who certified Yaxkin Spa Maya Wellness Cener,
shares with you some
basic understanding of Maya Cosmo-Vision along with the healing elements and sacred rituals that are performed
at Yaxkin Spa by authentic Maya Healer
therapists known as Ix’men (Maya female
healer and priestess).
is the most powerful tool any Mayan
healer has, and it is offered to
Junab K’uj (God’s Spirit) and to the
Yuumtsiloób (gods) as a spiritual request for assistance to the
healer in his or her work. Prayer opens the channel of healing and aids in bringing
balance to the person’s Ch’ulel or life energy force between the physical
and spiritual worlds. Prayer, the spoken word in reverence and in a deep state
of meditation, is the power that unites us with the universe and the divine.
Prayers are always repeated in numerical sequences and are normally accompanied
by aromatherapy or incense burning of copal and other sacred resins.
Prayers carry a pure energy when made during
daily meditation.
is of utmost importance
to a Mayan healer, especially to the Ix’men (female healer) because of
the connection blessed water has with Ix-chel, the
Mayan Moon Goddess
of medicine,
and with the human body and the energy that flows within it. Blessed water,
especially from Maya Sacred Cenotes, is a powerful element that purifies
and cleans the energy within. In a Spa ritual at
Yaxkin Spa, water is
the link to health and balance.
follows the blessing of the water as the symbol of light and energy. Fire is
the element that unites us with life forces and the spiritual realm. Sacred
Copal must be harvested during a full moon and is burned to aid healing,
cleansing, and releasing that which blocks a person's healthy balance and
energy. New Fire is offered to Junab K’uj prior to initiating a Spa
ritual or ceremony at Yaxkin Spa.
Mayan clays, herbal remedies, and stones,
gems, sacred wood and trees, honey, and corn are all part of the spiritual
connection that help the Mayan healer cure and restore the flow of life energy
in each of us. The ancient Maya Corn Ceremony honors the
Spirit of the Earth
and Mother Nature, as well as reminds the participants where they come from,
with the help of Ix-chel, also regarded as a powerful healer, the
Ix’men performs mystical rituals and healing ceremonies where the spiritual
and physical worlds meet.
is the element that carries vital energy and
the spirit of life. Sound travels through air and bonds with it to bring
powerful cosmic living vibrations of sacred words that can heal mind, emotions, and body. The
healer’s words are spoken in harmony with peaceful breathing to directly provide
the rhythm of health and balance. The spiritual power of wind, sound, and
sahumados (copal smoke and other burning aromas) release harmony and unblock
the effects of stress, blocked energy, and emotional trauma.
communicate with the Mayan Priests and Healers through intuition, insight
vision, dreams, and sometimes even through physical manifestations that act as
conduits to instruct and guide the Mayan healer. J’men and Ix’men
perform an important sacred ceremony known as K’eek to purify the soul
which has a powerful spiritual connection with deities, Mayan spirits such as
Aluxes, and Nature that provide the right path to bring balance, harmony,
and health to all the bodies that embrace the life force of a person.
are some of the tools Mayan
Healers commonly use to treat physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. Yet,
it is the inner attuning with God’s Spirit and Love that is the most precious
tool used by the Maya J’men and Ix’men healers. Love, kindness,
intuitive compassion, and listening in peace are important parts of the healing
process and health care. 
is of great importance to the Maya philosophy of healing.
Maya people believe
that rapid change in temperature is the cause of many bone pains and muscle
spasms; arthritis, rheumatism, and other disorders are believed to be linked to
inadequate changes of temperature through one’s daily routines. All illnesses
are treated by their cold or hot relationship with energy flow levels.
have tremendous spiritual and healing
power. They provide the frame in which mind, emotions, soul, and spirit become
one, where the purification of ch’ulel can be relieved and the invasive
energy can be transformed; thus, healing take place.
Yaxkin Spa rituals
focused on balancing the inner energy flow of each person by releasing stress,
anxiety, and other toxic emotions (or physical ailments) from the self. Each
ritual at Yaxkin Spa calls upon different aspects of the self to be restored to
health and harmonious balance. Yaxkin Spa offers you the best Maya Spa
experience in Mexico.
At Yaxkin Spa,
each holistic Maya ritual
and ceremony starts with a prayer in the presence of
light, aromatherapy with sacred incenses, and the blessing of pure, fresh
cenote water. Fire and Air dance together in the harmonious flow of candle
light, while sacred musical rhythms (conch or drums) and chants help set the spa
ambiance into the frame of a Maya Ritual site. Our healers use therapeutic
organic wraps combined with gem-stone energy purification; Sastuns,
blessed pure energy stones that have been charged with the moon or sun energy,
are cleansed with organic sea salt after each ritual.
Herbal medicine and
natural remedies used in Yaxkin Spa
are 100% organically grown on
Chichen’s property by our own staff,
ensuring quality (no sprayed pesticides) and freshness. Ix'men Beatriz
Correa personally
prepares the herbal mixes,
Kakaw Spa paste, Mayan
wild fresh herbs and pure essential oils, spa mud clays, and
fresh fruit blends for the sancochos, or herbal fusion,
applied at the end of each ritual onto the skin; the sancochos clean the
impurities of the skin and remove any organic pastes or excess oils from the
body. Our Maya Spa is certified by the Mayan Elders and Healers.
Come enjoy our
acclaimed "Ya'ax
Tun Skin Care Treatment" the ultimate full body and skin nourishment
Spa therapy sure to help your skin cells restore their natural beauty and
healthy grown with our 100% organic grown blue-green cenote algae known as Mayan
Jade Algae with rich Spirulina algae nutrients that restore skin cells overall
health, prevent premature skin cell aging with their rich mineral and vitamin
nutrient concentration; a truly deluxe Wellness skin care treatment and green Spa
full body skin cells therapy.
learn more about the holistic Maya rituals and ceremonies offered at
Yaxkin Spa, please click
you would like to reserve and pre-pay your Spa holistic experience at
Yaxkin Spa, please visit
its website
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Maya Spa Rituals and Home Spa Care
Home Spa sessions of any kind are highly
recommended, especially during times of mild stress and tension. You can highly
intensify their effect by integrating a few holistic caring routines, essential
to one’s health and personal welfare. Maya Rituals can enhance your Home Spa
pampering care when performed with reverence and in a holistic frame of mind.
A holistic Maya ritual, such as U TS’ÍITS J’AIL
TS’ONO’OT or the water
blessing ritual, can ignite powerful chemical changes in the water that has been
blessed; such water when drank with reverence, will bring the purifying energy
benefits that revitalize a person’s ch’ulel, our vital life force, and
restore a healthy equilibrium within.
Here is a ritual full of Ancient Maya Wisdom that is offered at Yaxkin
Spa and can be adapted to your home environment; but first take care to set your
own Spa spot at home by:
Start each ritual at home by choosing a peaceful place, such as your bedroom or
bathroom, and choosing a comfortable sofa or chair, best if near a window that
overlooks nature in a peaceful setting. Next, begin to create a harmonious
setting by placing an unleaded clay bowl full of fresh, pure water (avoid
chlorine water such as city tap-water, instead try bottled spring water that has
not had any minerals added) in a table covered with a white linen. Then place
soft lighted candles with the aroma that calms you most, a few fresh flowers
that match (violets with lavender smells, orange blooms with citrus smells,
copal with wildflowers, etc).
Add serene, rhythmic meditation music, along
with incense that blends with the aroma of the candles and a few gemstones of
your choice: jade, rose quartz, obsidian, tiger eye, etc. If you have little
knowledge of stone’s energy and characteristics, browse the Internet for
information and create a small list to keep for future reference on their energy
Wash your feet and hands, wear a loose white
wrap that is comfortable and has a simple elegance (this will help your emotions
flow into a spa-like home ambiance and inspire your senses to relax and feel
good). Check the temperature of the fresh water for comfort: not too hot or too
cold. Barefooted and with clean feet and hands, stand facing the table where
the water bowl was set. Place a gem of your choice in your hands and close your
eyes; slowly breath with a deep, peaceful rhythm, think positive and kind
thoughts; then start your prayer invoking
Junab K’uj, God, or your Higher
Power. Lift your spirit and feel life flowing in your breathing; calmly bless
the water with heart-felt words forming a brief prayer of purification to
restore peace, health, and inner joy.
Gently drop the gem into the water bowl
which now has absorbed your loving essence; dip a flower into the water and mist
the air around you as you bless the area. Place slowly your hands four times,
for this water is blessed and carries now the four vital elements of life. Give
thanks to Junab K’uj for his gift of love to
humankind. You just concluded the ritual
or the water blessing ritual, to release toxic stress energy from
your own body (water), mind, and soul.
The ritual of
to release toxic stress and negative energies from your own body (water), mind,
and soul, is primordial to the healing process in the treatment of all types of
diseases. The sacred, pure life force energy in water is acknowledge as the
cleansing media and the connection of mind-over-body and thought-spiritual
energy-power over physical-emotional energies manifested as diseases and
illnesses. This deep understanding of the human multi-level interconnection is
finally being rediscovered in modern medicine after psychotherapy has proven to
help the shatter spiritual nature of humans. Today, physicians are beginning to
understand the important inner connection of mind-body and the psycho-emotional
roots manifested in the physical form (body).
Fear, stress, as well as negative mental and
physical environments or energy fields are all causes of spiritual disconnection
of the soul and mind. Maya healing recognizes the interconnection of natural
energy of the human’s multiple bodies (mental, spiritual, and emotional) and
energy fields. Like other ancient, refined
civilizations, the Maya have long
recognized the nature of disease, which flows within the soul as well as the
physical and emotional bodies of a person; this causes all types of illness and
discomforts due to the imbalance or trauma in the energy field, or ch’ulel,
in a person’s inner-self. Physical sites or locales where great collective
conscious energy has been impregnated with abuses, evil spirits such as war
experiences, mayor human spiritual shattering traumas, and collective fears can
affect and pollute even Mother Nature and the planet Earth’s energy field’s
Shattered or lost soul energy can weaken the
entire immune system, impair the nervous system, and bring about chronic
diseases. Shattered or lost soul energy can be restored, however, and regained
through holistic healing rituals, sacred spiritual ceremonies, and purifying
body treatments such as those offered at
Yaxkin Spa replenish the person’s
ch’ulel harmonious flow and restore the pure vital life force in a person.
Since at home you will not have the benefit of
a Maya healer, deep meditation
and prayer with reverence are truly needed to aid you into the spiritual
realm of faith. Thus, none of the healing rituals described by Ix'men Beatriz
Correa will accomplish their true force, unless the person performing them at home
understands the importance of faith as the catalyst chemical changer in cellular
energy and experience reverence in the powerful healing energy of love.
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An interview with
the Holistic WellnessConsultants
of Yaxkin Spa at Hacienda Chichen Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico
Read some of Yaxkin Spa Merit Reviews here: .
Condé Nast Traveler on
The World 10 Best Eco-Spas.
National Geographic Travel:
10 Top Wellness Destinations in N. America.
Spa Magazine: Seek Out
Eco-Spa Innovators, 2009 Ten Spa's Good List
Healthy Habits for a Better Life:
Learn and Practice Meditation Daily
Calmed Breathing: An
important skill to master Meditation
For beginners, it is
very important to start their meditation in a quiet
serene place such as your own room (turn off: TV,
all phones including your cellular, or anything that
will distract your mind. Once you have stopped all
distractions, sit in a comfortable straight position
(don't lay down as you may end up sleeping rather
than meditating), start breathing with your nostrils
in a calm rhythmic manner, clearing your mind from
all thoughts, let it stay still with a natural lucid
vision of what makes you feel deeply a spiritual
serenity, breath slowly concentrating in the
rhythmic flow of air in and out of your nostrils,
this will help you stay in the moment and calmly
develop inner peace and a connection with your soul
energy. Keep a silence mind to feel your own
true self, not the ego materialized self, but your
energy holistic self. Develop a daily habit to
meditate for at least 10 minutes every day, twice a
day will increase your healthy energy flow and bust
your immune system by helping your mind learn to
avoid stressful energy build-up.
beginning meditation will notice at first it will be
very difficult to quiet the mind, to stop thoughts
arising, this brings an awareness of how busy our
mind tends to be; but with daily practice the mind
will drop all they busy thoughts and ideas from
interrupting our awareness of the calmed silent
breathing rhythm flow of our body with no mental
busy thoughts plaguing our mind.
When the turbulence of
distracting thoughts and ideas subside and we are
able to keep a still mind, most of the stress and
anticipating energy flow of our life will come to an
end, we will learn to live in the moment: in the
Now; an important skill to master in this current
global cultural mesh we live in. Such is the
way of the Maya Healers and Wiseman: meditation
helps us live healthy lifes.
Shamans and Healers, J'Men Jose Tamay and Beatriz Correa
recommend you to set time aside daily to meditate at least 20
minutes, practice a spiritual discipline that helps you remember
“who you are, keep alive your own spiritual awakening path and
vision, etc.” Learn to know your emotional body needs, feed your
emotional body with healthy thoughts, forgiveness to let go of
resentments, practice daily correct breathing and learn to know
your own physical body needs, eat healthy, what your body
responds to, not what others belief is best for you to eat, but
what your body needs to feel good and healthy. Practice daily
energy cleansing activities such as hugs with love, laughter,
and moments of true affection, take time to enjoy nature, and
marvel with what God has created, from a small micro-organism to
a macro cosmos, make a habit to enjoy a sunset, the rain, or any
other natural manifestation of God’s creative powers. Avoid
addictions including violent movies and video games, any form of
abuse and power struggle; such energies destroy our mystical
flow and encourage rage, power games, frustration and other
energies that are sure to bring stress, anxiety, and illness
into your life.

Article and photos by Mrs. B. Gordon
Published May 2010
se Pierda esta Gran Oportunidad!
Estudios Avanzados de Salud,
Belleza, y Espíritu:
Diplomado ideal para trabajar Internacionalmente en un SPA de Altura
o para terapeutas de Spas que deseen ofrecer Masajes Mayas
en México, Yucatán,
y Reviera Maya.
Conozca los detalles de esta magnifica oportunidad profesional
para Terapeutas, Masajistas, Gerentes y Dueños de Spas al igual que
personas interesadas en la Cultura Holística de Sanación Maya.
Yaxkin Spa
y La Fundación
Maya In Laakeech
el gusto de
participarles del Programa y Diplomado:

Terapeutas Holísticos Mayas y Diplomado a Terapeutas de Spas,
Impartido en Chichen Itza, Yucatán,
La Cosmovisión Maya de la salud nos brinda
el conocimiento de la comunión con los reinos vegetal, animal,
mineral y por supuesto con los seres humanos. Los guardianes de
las antiguas tradiciones holísticas y terapéuticas de sanción
Mayas, nos abren su sabiduría y comparten su conocimiento en
este diplomado con certificado de Terapeuta Holístico Maya
Este Diplomado
incorporara elementos de la Cosmovisión Maya, medulares para la medicina tradicional
holística maya,
así como los conocimientos
sobre simbología maya y la diferencia entre bendiciones,
curaciones, herbolaria, rituales holísticos y ceremonia s
de purificación; todos ellos elementos indispensables que
debemos saber para así respetar y brindar nuestros servicios en
armonía con el cosmos para purificar cuerpo, mente, emociones,
pensamientos, nuestra energía vital.
Los cursos se
impartirán en el idioma español, con introducción al maya. Es
importante tener las bases de la lengua maya, su herbolaria,
fruto terapia, numerología y astronomía; al mismo tiempo conocer
como las vibración de la música y los colores nos llevan a la
armonía del Ser.
El diplomado U BEJIL MAYAOOB
te ofrece introducirte al fascinante mundo de la sanción maya
holística, sus ritos, cosmovisión y sabiduría.
Impartido por Beatriz Correa, Directora General del SPA
YAXKIN, considerado dentro de los 10 mejores spas ecológicos del
mundo. Así como dentro de los 10 mejores eco-spas de destino de
Latinoamérica. Así como un grupo de expertos en la lengua maya,
herbolaria, numerología maya y spa.
Este diplomado es autorizado por los
cuidadores de las tradiciones mayas que trabajan en conjunto
con la Fundación Maya In Laakeech A.C. Esta dirigido a Directores de SPA,
supervisores, masajistas, terapeutas y Público en General.

Se requiere cursar cuatro módulos integrales de
Conocimiento y Practicas Holísticas Mayas para
obtener Diplomados y Certificados de Terapeuta
Maya con especialización de técnicas Maya SPA
Cosmovisión Maya de
la Salud y Terapia Holística Diplomado que será impartido en Chichen Itza, Yucatán, México
Los guardines de las
antiguas tradiciones Mayas, nos abren su sabiduría y
comparten su conocimiento al mundo en este primer diplomado
oficial de la Fundación Maya In Laakeech en colaboración con
Yaxkin Spa, y con la participación especial de
Ancianos y Sacerdotes Mayas: J-Men, sanadores mayas,
cuidadores de la Cosmovisión sanadora Maya.
Maya Solar y Lunar.
de Energía.
y Costumbres Mayas:
curativas holísticas mayas.
a la Herbolaria Maya-Plantas curativas.
de Sanación: Simbología Maya, limpias, masaje corporal.
rituales de sanación, masaje corporal holístico
a la vida diaria y a las funciones de sanación en un SPA.
Sanadores, J'Men, X'Men y Shamanes Mayas :
and M.H.P. Bartolome Poot
J-Men y Sacerdote Maya conocedor de arbolaria y herbolaria
tradicional Maya. Maestro de la medicina indigenista
tradicional maya, con mas de 25 años de experiencia en sanación
tradicional maya.
Activo J-Men en terapias holísticas y ceremonias sagradas mayas
celebradas para la Fundación
Maya In Laakeech, A.C. asociación civil no-lucrativa,
J-Men Idelfonso Ake, Sacerdote Maya, Difusión Cultural
y Cosmovisión Maya. de la Fundación Maya In Laakeech A.C. y Miembro de la
Asociación de Ancianos y Sacerdotes Mayas A.C. de Yucatan.
M.H. Mucuy Kak Moó
Ingeniera en Desarrollo y Comunicación. Maestra de Cursos en la
Cosmovisión y Lengua Maya, Numerología Maya, y Calendarios
Mayas. Trabaja en colaboración con los J'Men Sacerdotes
del Centro Ceremonial y el Centro Educativo Maya: Oxlajunti' Kuj,
dirigido por el
J-Men Don Bartolomee Poot Nauhat.
Otros Invitados a los Talleres
del Programa: Masajistas y Terapeutas
January 2007
Updated May 2008 / January, May 2009
October 2009 / Sept. 2012, July 2013 / Jan 2014 / Oct. 2014 /
July 2016